As the world is advancing, schools are also evolving to keep up with the latest technologies to simplify their management systems. Keeping that in mind, Class ON - Best School ERP Software, provides an all-in-one solution for schools to streamline their management systems. With the aim of "Go Digital Go Smart", Class ON has come up with an innovative way of simplifying school management by introducing Daily Analytics Report on WhatsApp.

What is Class ON?

Class ON is a cloud-based ERP software designed to streamline and simplify school management systems. It provides an all-in-one solution for schools to manage their daily tasks, such as attendance management, fee management, examination management, timetable management, and many more.

Class ON - Go Digital Go Smart

In the current digital age, it's essential to go digital to make management systems more efficient and effective. Class ON understands this and provides a digital platform for schools to manage their operations easily. By using Class ON, schools can simplify their management system, improve communication, and save time and resources. With the tagline "Go Digital Go Smart", Class ON encourages schools to adopt digital systems to improve their management processes.

  • Daily Analytics Report on WhatsApp

The Daily Analytics Report on WhatsApp is a new feature introduced by Class ON to provide real-time updates to schools. The report includes attendance, homework, and fee collection updates for the day. It is an automated report generated by the software and sent to the school's WhatsApp group every day.

  • Attendance Report

The attendance report provides the total number of students and employees, along with the number of present, absent, leave, half-day, short leave, on duty, and medical leave for the day. This report helps schools to keep track of their daily attendance and helps them to identify patterns of absenteeism and take necessary measures to improve attendance.

  • Fee Collection Report

The fee collection report provides the total collection for the day, including cash, cheque, and online payment. The report also provides a breakdown of the payment mode-wise collection for the day. This report helps schools to keep track of their daily fee collection and helps them to identify any discrepancies in their fee collection process.


Class ON is a comprehensive ERP software that provides an all-in-one solution for schools to manage their daily tasks efficiently. The Daily Analytics Report on WhatsApp is a new feature introduced by Class ON to provide real-time updates to schools. This report includes attendance, homework, and fee collection updates for the day, which helps schools to keep track of their daily operations. With Class ON, schools can go digital, go smart and manage their operations efficiently. So, if you want to simplify your school management,

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