nestled amidst the natural beauty of Khatima, Uttarakhand, City Convent School is a haven for young minds to blossom. Established in 2007, this co-educational English medium school focuses on quality education in a nurturing environment. With a commitment to small class sizes (never exceeding 40 students) and individual attention, City Convent ensures every child thrives.

Education with a Green Heart

City Convent believes in the power of nature to inspire learning. The spacious, green campus provides a refreshing escape from the ordinary, fostering a love for the environment. Well-lit, ventilated classrooms create a comfortable space for students to focus and grow.

Building Well-Rounded Individuals

City Convent's curriculum goes beyond textbooks. The school follows the CBSE guidelines while incorporating co-curricular activities to develop the whole child. Through house systems, activity rooms, and a focus on personality development, students discover their talents and interests.

State-of-the-Art Infrastructure

City Convent is equipped with modern facilities to support learning. From smart classrooms and a computer lab to an indoor sports complex and a canteen, the school provides everything students need to excel.

Safety and Security - Top Priority

Your child's well-being is our top concern. City Convent prioritizes safety and security with features like CCTV surveillance, security guards, and clean drinking water. We understand that a safe environment is crucial for focused learning.